Week One : 100 days of LOVELINESS

The first week of LOVELINESS is over and, I have to say, I'm really enjoying this project - it's been so nice thinking about all the lovely things that happen every day. And sometimes, it's surprising just how many lovely things there are, too! 

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you'll have seen my photos every day. In case you don't, here they are:

1/100 Mells Daffodil Festival
2/100 Bath Abbey
3/100 a day trip to Weston-super-Mare
4/100 exploring with friends at Willsbridge Mill
5/100 teaching Grandad to play Temple Run on the iPad 
6/100 my Nan (who would've been 98 on that day)
7/100 reminiscing and enjoying the view

Hope you're enjoying it so far!!

More next week....
